Thursday, September 27, 2007

Soul Sister

Writing about new music that I've taken a liking to would be a pretty time consuming task, and would probably end up being the same drivel you could find in Rolling Stone, TimeOut, or pretty much any magazine these days. Who needs to read one more album review they don't agree with or wants to be told what they MUST purchase immediately? Not me. That being said, I feel like I am doing the world a disservice by not writing about the woman that has been in constant rotation in my life for the past few weeks: sassy soul sister #1, Marva Whitney. Marva got her big break singing with James Brown and his funky people in the 60's, and trust me when I say this woman has soul. I decided to get a solo album of hers a few weeks ago, and little did I know what a gem I would come across. When I saw the release date of I Am What I Am was 2007 I assumed I was coming across a nice remastered re-issue of some old Marva cuts, when the exact opposite proved to be true. This album is Marva's first solo effort in 36 years...this woman just turned 63 and she is cranking it out like she is back on the stage with James and the gang. Marva's voice could stand alone, but on this album she is accompanied by Osaka Monaurail, an amazing Japanese funk band. Yes you heard me correctly, a Japanese Funk Band. These guys perform with the same style and zeal as James and his band without coming off as a cheesy tribute group. Marva Whitney and Osaka Monaurail sound like the 60's were frozen in time and thawed out in 2007. They are truly a force to be reckoned with. If you want an album to bring the funk, this one with not disappoint. Take it to the bridge Marva!

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