Monday, September 15, 2008

Paper Cuts

I'm mildly obsessed with the art of papercraft, and here is the latest installment in my collection:
Pee-Wee and Chairy!

If you Google papercraft you will come up with tons of little tiny models all made from paper. Some need glue, and others don't. I have made quite a few from my two favorite sites ReadyMech and CubeeCraft, each having their own pros and cons.

I was feeling quite confident in my fine motor skills so I thought I would make a mini-drum set for my friend. Several tedious hours later over the course of 3 days, I acquired an impressively tiny set of skins.

Sadly, after being covered in tiny snips of card stock and rolling up a seemingly endless stash of itty bitty cymbal stands with my Elmer's Glue callused fingers, I have decided to take a much needed papercraft hiatus.

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