Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Adios Madrid!

An update is due, as this is potentially the last time I will have access to a computadora.... y agua caliente... hot water. Hopefully Morocco will be on the interwebs, bu who knows until we get there. A few hours left in Madrid before leaving for Marrakech, and today´s to-do list consists of: pasteries, a trip to Reina Sofia, relaxing in the park with some ice cream, and a snack at the Museum of Ham. Yes you heard me correctly, we are going to eat dinner at el Museo de Jamon. Should be interesting...

Ill updtae again as soon as we return from the Sahara and I can find a computer! Go Cubs!!!


Nick Hurley said...

Ahh the Museo de Jamon!

Anonymous said...

Ummm..Shut up about the Museum of Ham... that sounds right up my alley and AMAZING!! Sounds like you are having fun. Love you!

Tricia said...

Cubbies blew it! Boo-Hoo. I hope things are as wonderful as it sounds. Be safe!!!!