Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Shopping List: Drawers

I'm totally on the hunt for random drawers after seeing this amazing chest from Wis Design of Sweden. Seriously, what is in the water over there that makes these Swedes crank out such beautiful objects? Think of all the abandoned drawers in the world that will find a new home when I construct my very own chest! How many times have you passed an ugly desk or dresser on the street and thought it seemed like a perfectly good piece of furniture, but it just didn't go with your decor? Never? No? You aren't a picky furniture scavenger like me? Well for the sake of this blog just pretend! I would have been on my way to a new stylish cabinet years ago if only I had the idea to swipe the drawers from the countless pieces of furniture I walked by on the street. Better late than never I suppose. This project is going to be placed in the "very long term" category...after I finish all the other pending projects. Remember that chair I was going to finish a few months ago? It's going to go really well with this chest when they both get completed sometime around 2017...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I shit you not - I had a dream in which I found a drawer for you. It was stunning. Hope to catch up soon. :)