Thursday, June 12, 2008

Advice for Fonsie

Soriano, it's no secret that we both have an affinity for the Cubs, Left Field, and the number twelve, and as I add broken fingers to the list of commonality, allow me to give you some words of wisdom. Firstly, and most importantly, though this will do you little good now: keep your un-gloved hands away from the ball! Didn't you learn anything from last year's blog?
Now that you've gone and maimed yourself, just cry it out. No worries! So what if you are supposed to be a grown man? You just totally jacked up your hand, and that hurts like hell! People who think there is no crying in baseball probably have all of their finger bones intact and have yet to experience the joy that comes with being hit by a hard, round, rock hard object hurling toward them at 80+MPH. Tears are in order. Anything less, and people would think you just jammed your finger instead of really being hardcore and breaking it. Lastly, you're going to want to put some ice on that. That ring finger is looking a wee bit on the swollen side and it's only going to get worse. Keep it elevated and go get an x-ray. I know a great PT who can show you a thing or two. Maybe you will even be lucky enough to rehab it for 5 months only to find out that your claw finger isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Hope you aren't a lefty! And the next time you see me waving my crippled hand at you in the bleachers, do me a favor and toss me a ball...gently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

reading this just made my day. i can't stop smiling...