Friday, August 17, 2007

I Can't Contain My Excitement!

Tomorrow two of my lovely friends are getting married! The wedding will be fun, but not as fun as buying a box for their wedding gift!

There is only one place I can get a 12x9x1 box for $.99 asap and that is THE CONTAINER STORE! This mecca of organization might just be my most favorite place to spend time.....and money. I usually end up buying way more than I intend; and my shopping basket tends to be a mix of necessary items, like packing tape, and highly expensive, ridiculously unnecessary items, like a box of 25 sandwich bags with flowers printed on them for a mere $6.00. Let's do the math people...that's almost a quarter per baggie! I could walk to the grocery store and buy a gazillion baggies for around $.02 per bag...but they wouldn't have cute flowers on them, now would they? No. They wouldn't. Those baggies made bringing my lunch to work fun for a whole month! Ok fine, less than a month. There were only 25 baggies, remember?

Notice earlier when I said shopping basket. Getting a cart is a big no-no in the How To Shop at The Container Store and Not Spend More Than $100 hand book. If I make it out with a $40 tab I'm usually pretty proud of myself. The problem with this excursion is that my bus ride is going to cost more than my $.99 box. I might need to buy some more stuff to justify the journey. I could ride my bike, but what if I come across something I need and it's too big to bike home? Is there a support group for people like me? Clearly I have a problem.

I made it out of there and only spent $18. I know, I know...I said I was only getting a $.99 box, but I decided to upgrade (and get some wrapping paper & tissue as well)!

A small price to pay considering how cute the stationary I made looks in the box! Awwwwww...

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