Friday, February 29, 2008


Internet acess has been limited the past two days, due in part to my falling asleep last night at 7:45pm, so I will write a short note now to give teh update before heading off to Arusha on another adventure! Africa is great! It is dusty and sunny and smells like an armpit, but all of these things you grow to love! So far mosquitos have been a non-issue, and my bowels have been in check so I have nothing but good news to report! Too much information? Life here is slow and not rushed - the excepetion of course being the cars and buses that speed down the roads! Walking is not to be advised... good thing we have the trusty Camry to off-road in! This morning when i woke up under my dreamy mosquito net I had a view of Mt. Kilimanjaro outside my window. Quite breathtaking, and even more amazing that my friend just climbed it! Off now to spend some time at it's base. looking forward to a walking safari tomorrow. My Swahili is coming along. I finally got called a Mzungu today! Was so looking forward to it! Many people have never seen a white person before, so it's fun to hear them exclaim while we wave and smile. Can't wait to try out 'wowowo'... that means big booty, so i think I will save it for when I get home :) Pictures soon...hopefully!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea for your bowels! i'm glad the mosquitos aren't bad either! i'm so glad you love it. you know i'm dying to hear more!!